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Where are we in the planning process?
Photo taken in winter 2019, when a few of us  first started working on this.
Photo taken in winter 2019, when a few of us  first started working on this.
Photo taken in winter 2019, when a few of us  first started working on this.
clean up photo 1.jpg
One of two "bus barns", for a pottery studio? auto mechanics?? 
One of two "bus barns", for a pottery studio? auto mechanics?? 
Sierra School bus barn view.jpg
The group expands!
June 1 meeting. 
OH conversations 1.jpg

At the June 20, 2019 the School Board of the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District approved the use of Sierra School as the Sequoia Community Center! (The name of the community center was changed at the June 8 meeting.It had been a place-holder name Sierra Arts and Community Center.) We still need to complete the approval process for non-profit status. The official contract still needs to be negotiated and approved, hopefully by the end of August.

Since our meetings in on June 1 and 8 we have an active working group of about 20 people, with several sub-groups: 1. Foundation Committee, headed by Amelia Williams, to set up the structure and by-laws of for the non-profit.

2. Communication Committee, headed by Sulfiati Harris who does the website and other promo work. Larry Jordan has helped by setting up a Facebook page under the name "Sequoia Community Center". 

3. Fundraising committee. These people are planning for our first major fundraiser, which is a  Barbeque, Potluck and Silent Auction at the school on July 27, 2019. 

Name Change! At the meeting on June 8 we decided as a group, through a process of building consensus, that the name of the center is now the       Sequoia Community Center. The motion passed unanimously.

This community center is FOR the community and run BY the community. There is much more work to do! Volunteers needed!

We would like to be ready to open the center, provided all the legalities are done, by the beginning of September. Please email or call if you would like to help. Here's where we could use the help: 

1. Setting up the internet systems: Deciding on the best way to set up the connection, getting donated laptops, researching potential rural internet grants, etc.

2. Grounds work. Clearing out the community garden grow boxes, figuring out watering systems. Cleaning out the bus barns.  Clearing the stage of clutter. 

3. Food service group. Would you like to help with community meals? With the food service part of the internet cafe?

4. Programs and activities. We envision well-being classes like yoga and Zumba, art classes, health clinica, community softball or basketball games, a lecture series, perhaps an auto mechanics shop, a ceramics workshop, and a community garden. Would you like to help us get started on any of these?

Email, or call this number which will email a voice message to that same address: 559-461-7515

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