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Activities Page

Mosaic class.jpg
Glass mosaic Dotty Woolum.jpg

Photo above is of Amelia's mosiac class, and look at the beautiful stained glass votive that was done in the class by Dotty Woolum. We all love our votives!

We started activities at the Center on January 4, 2020.

The list of activities below is what we had been planning to offer this winter and spring before we had to close down.  It can give you an idea of what will be available in the future.

These activities were and will be open to all community members. The Center could also be rented by private groups at a rate to be determined.

Project Teams

Library Team, Gail McClard, 337-0221 (landline).  We have a small library that is left from Sierra School. We can lend out books that are there, possibly accept other books, and we are working to set up a Tulare County branch library. This would make it possible to have books and dvd's delivered here and to have access to other library services, perhaps including enhanced internet services. Please let Gail know if you are interested in this

Internet, Joni Jordan, cell 553-2225, We are have set up an internet room in the space that was the school office. We have 5 internet workstations and are researching where to acquire free used laptops in good condition, and checking out the best ways to get a good internet connection at the school. (There was one eight years ago but this would be too expensive to duplicate.) Please let Joni know if you are interested in working on this.

Grounds Beautification, Susan Brase, text 731-6789

Help us add beauty to this wonderful location with plantings all around. Here are ways to help: work with Emmanuel on the compost project, help develop the watering system, donate plants (full grown or plant starts). do planting and mulching, donate equipment such as rakes, shovels, etc. All ages welcome. Please let Susan know if you would like to help.

The Arts

1.  Digital Photography, presented by Larry Jordan, cell 288-3922,  This program will show how to take better photos using cell phone and other cameras, showing how to adjust composition by changing light, angle, depth of field & more.The  first session will be held following the first Local History field trip on January 4, 2020.

2.  Learn to Quilt - Pieced Hot Pad. Presented by Susan Brase, text 731-6789 Susan will bring the patterns and basic            cutting tools, you bring your sewing machine or sew by hand. We all bring cotton fabrics for ourselves and perhaps to hare. Susan will contact you with dates and times of sessions and with the suggested donation. This class will be offered in March.

3.  Mixed Media Drawing - Sulfiati Harris 336-9362, cell 909-5602. Sulfiati has developed her own series of classes to teach drawing, which she did from 1995 - 2008 in San Diego and for all the middle schools in Kings Canyon Unified School District. Each class focuses on a specific drawing skill such as realistic drawing using right brain techniques that help with perspective and accurate proportions. We will finish the drawings with various media such as marker pens, watercolor, pastels, oil pastels and color pencils. The no fear atmosphere is quiet and supportive. This class will be offered in March. 

4. Tie-Dye - presented by Sulfiati Harris 336-9362, cell 909-5602, . Super colorful and versatile tie-dye       technique uses applicator bottles and bonds permanently to the cotton or rayon fabric. Wide variety of folds and ties presented in Sulfiati's tie-dye booklets that were sold nationally in the 1990's and kits that are still being sold under the I Love to Create label. Bring your white or light colored cotton t-shirts and socks. For all ages, children must be with an adult. Classes in two sessions, 1.5 hours and 1 hour (one day apart). Classes limited to 10 people, can do several sessions. One t-shirt and pair of socks per person. This class was postponed to April or May. 

5.  Mosiacs with Amelia Williams. cell 650-238-8320,web:www.AmeliaWilliamsMosaic.comIn January she did a 2-session class (4 hours and then 2 hours the next day) to make beautiful stained glass votive Jars. More mosaic classes may be offered. Contact Amelia if you are interested.)

6. Jane Ziegler presented an art workshop in January in which she helped participants with art projects they wanted to work on, such as a painting from a photo, learn your to use oil, watercolor, acrylic paints. Jane is a full-time, amazing artist and we were honored to have her participation!

Exercise Classes

8.  Yoda Yoga presented by Helena Mertens. 337-2104 Yoga with This is wise and gentle yoga. Let the force be with us! Helena provides yoga mats for standard yoga. Wear comfortable clothes. These classes start in February on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please call Helena to let her know you would like to come to these sessions.

10:15 to 11:00 Gentle Yoga: Standard yoga postures focusing on alignment, breath and flexibility but a little easier to do than a standard yoga class.

11:30 - 12:30  Chair Yoga  Excercises that are therapeutic benefit for those with physical issues. We don't get down on the floor.

7.  Zumba  presented by La Rae Garner 313-3433.  Zumba is one of the most popular group exercise classes in the world. It is a Latin-inspired dance workout which is a lot of fun and great exercise! This is for adults and teens, three times a week for one hour. Details on cost and scheduling still being worked out. These classes will start in April

Discussions, Trips, Recreation

Local history, Gabriel chimney.jpg

9. Local History in Badger, presented by Larry Jordan, cell 288-3922,  Discussions about local history to include bandits, train robbers and their hideouts. First burial at Eshom Valley Cemetery and how he died. Old schools, hotels, butcher shops, stage stops, all near Badger. Short field trips, most within five miles. Above photo taken at the chimney of the old Gabriel family homesite.

10.  Games Night presented by Joni Jordan, cell 533-2225,   All ages, once a month, about 2 hours.  This is completely for fun! For those who love games and want more interaction with the local community, here is your place! Possibilities are card games, strategy games or others that the community will find entertaining. These will be held in the early evenings. Times to be announced. 

11. Special Topic Discussion Group presented by Patrick Cassen, email to He is open to suggestions for discussion topics. Some ideas he has are: Climate Change, Going Solar, the History of Impeachment, History of the Second Amendment. What would you like to discuss?

Special Events

6.  CPR, First Aid, Pediatric First Aid presented by Karen Thompson. For info call Sulfiati at the SCC info phone number 336-9362 text 559-909-5602. Karen will show how to do basic first aid and chest compressions. This class will make sure you know what to do in case of an emergency. You could save a life! Young people are welcome. As a special offering to our Center there is no charge for this 2 - 3 hour session. An official certificate of completion available for $30. This class was presented in January may be offered again in late spring, 2020.

The Farmer's Market will begin in April. There was a workshop for potential vendors was presented on January 25. For more information about this please call Dusty Garner, 786-2098.

A Badger Town Hall will be on Thursday, February 13 at 6:00 p.m. Eddie Valero (Tulare County Supervisor) will conduct a discussion about the needs in this area and possible solutions. County representatives of various county services will also be on hand.

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